Welcome, Friend!At our core, AOK believes in the transformative power of mentorship for children. Research from "The Mentoring Effect" report (accessed 2022) highlights the significant positive impact a caring adult mentor can have on students' grades, school attendance, and self-confidence. It's a ripple effect that extends far beyond the classroom, shaping futures and fostering a sense of empowerment.
We're thrilled to play a role in this crucial endeavor, but we cannot do this alone. Your contribution is the catalyst that enables us to recruit, train, and conduct essential background checks for the mentors that All Our Kids need. With $100, you can provide a student with a mentor for an entire school year – a priceless investment in their growth and development. As we embark on a new year, we invite you to be a beacon of hope. Consider making a gift of $100 or more, knowing that you're directly influencing a child's journey. If you prefer a more sustained impact, a recurring gift of $10 per month (equivalent to $120 per year) is an option that ensures lasting change. Together, we can empower children to not only overcome challenges but to thrive. Thank you for considering a gift to AOK Mentoring & Tutoring. Amanda Mummert, Executive Director |
Donate Online
Donate by Check
Please make checks payable to "AOK Mentoring & Tutoring" and send to:
AOK Mentoring & Tutoring
PO Box 871
Columbia, MD 21044
AOK Mentoring & Tutoring
PO Box 871
Columbia, MD 21044
Leave a Legacy in Your Will
You can designate a percentage amount or a set dollar amount in your will by working with your attorney.
This language can be as simple as:
"I leave X (% or $) of my estate to A-OK Mentoring-Tutoring, Inc. (EIN - 90-0527116), a nonprofit organization in Columbia, Maryland."
Please let us know if you dedicate a legacy gift to AOK, we would love to recognize you.
This language can be as simple as:
"I leave X (% or $) of my estate to A-OK Mentoring-Tutoring, Inc. (EIN - 90-0527116), a nonprofit organization in Columbia, Maryland."
Please let us know if you dedicate a legacy gift to AOK, we would love to recognize you.
Host a fundraising Event to Benefit Children
Are you interested in hosting a fundraiser on behalf of AOK? We'd be grateful! Click here for a packet of details and considerations about hosting a fundraiser in support of students.
sponsor our work
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Thank you for your support! Questions? Send us an email: [email protected]
Thank you for your support! Questions? Send us an email: [email protected]